The Power of the Word

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” – John 1:1

It has been said that all that is, is vibration. Vision brought forth the will to create, and through vibration, through sound, will created the world. Then came things and at some point the “I”, the consciousness that we claim and with it the perception of reality.

It is further claimed that we were created in the image of the creator, and indeed, sound is the primary instrument of humans. Using our voice is the one creative act that requires no additional materials or instruments. The sound of the human voice is the most pure expression we have available. Every sound we utter, every word we speak, and even every thought we speak silently with our inner voice or repress in dark corners of our consciousness, is a creative act.

The mystic traditions of all major religions have upheld this truth, from the mantras in yoga to the 99 names for god in Sufism. We also find this reverence in the realms of magick. Spells are conscious acts of affecting reality. Couple intention and belief, and reality is created. Superstition, the underlying belief systems (both meanings of the Latin word religio) are responsible for such magic to work as found, e.g. with Voodoo or Santeria.


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Living, Dying and the Physics of the Soul

An essay inspired by a class I took on the Physics of the Soul by Amit Goswami (highly recommend it). Had some major synchronicities around this class, e.g. I saw “What the Bleep?” shortly after starting to take the class and realized that Dr. Goswami was one of the people interviewed in the movie. Then, my friend Kate interviewed Wiliam Arntz who was the original driver behind the movie. And before I knew it, out of the blue I ended up meeting Mark Vicente, the director shortly thereafter (a most delightful man).
Among others it inspired me to go on Sabbatical in Switzerland. Celebrated day of the dead and engaged in some death yoga as I left my life in LA for a few months.

“I died as a mineral and became a plant
I died as a plant and rose to animal
I died as an animal and I became a man.
Why should I fear?
When was I less by dying?”

How we live our lives largely depends on our attitude toward death. If we buy into the concept of scarcity, of the materialist notion that all ends in death, we need to live this life as much as possible, consequently horde as many possessions as possible, and we end up living in fear all of our lives, afraid of anything that might shorten our stay in this lifetime. But there are better ways of living. In order to understand our lives, find purpose and depth, we must understand our ideas about death.


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