God – Money – You

“What we once did ‘for the sake of God’ we now do for the sake of money…. This is what at present gives the highest feeling of power.” –  Friedrich Nietzsche

Well, this was over a century ago… Now, as the monetary debt illusion is breaking down and we are facing the end of the dominion of gold, this yet again has to shift.

For whose sake, shall we do anything then???

money and godWell, for your sake. For your own personal joy. You are the new God that needs pleasing. You are who you should worship and who you should aim to please with your actions. That will give you the highest sense of power in the 21st century.
This is not to be confused with hedonism. This is not about pleasure, about fulfilling wants, but about joy, about fulfilling will (not that pleasure isn’t nice at the appropriate times).
Each and every one of us came here for a reason. In Eastern thought exists the concept of “dharma“, which translates to the natural order of things. Have written about this before a few times
The key characteristics that will show you that you are aligned with the natural order of things, that you are doing what you came here to do, according to the yogic tradition are as follows:


  • You experience tremendous joy – you love doing what you are doing and you would do it for free if you could
  • It uses your strengths – there is really no point in fighting your weaknesses. Focus on your strengths, outsource your weaknesses. In business, they call this focusing on core competency.
  • It benefits others – we are not alone on this planet. Each of us has gifts that we are here to share with each other (even money, in its origin even before trading, came from gifting – think about that for a second).
  • It sustains you – tricky one a bit. This is about making sure you set up proper value exchanges, so that when you benefit other people, something comes back to you to ensure you have all you need to continue.
  • There are synchronicities – as my friend stosh likes to say: “universe isn’t talking to you, pal, but you better fucking listen
So, all that said, think about why you do things. Why do you get up every morning? Why are YOU here?